音响的line in
什么是音响商标 以音符编成的一组音乐或以某种非凡声音作为商品或服务的商标即是音响商标。如美国一家唱片公司使用11个音符编成一组乐曲,把它灌制在他们所出售的录音···
Below the Line
英文名称:Below the Line 中文名称:线下项目/特别项目指公司损益表中记录在营业利润以下的特别项目,这些项目大多为非经常性项目,具有很高的偶然性。···
Top Line
A reference to the gross sales or revenues of a company, or an allusion to a course of action that increases or reduces revenues. The "top" reference relates···
below-the-line account
above-the-line expenditure
Resistance line
above-the-line receipt
credit line
Revolving Line of Credit
英文名称:Revolving Line of Credit 中文名称:循环信贷额度指循环信贷的信贷额度。循环信贷(revolver)是指客户在支付合约费用之后即可随时根据需要从银行借出资···
Speed Line
英文名称:Speed Line 中文名称:速度线技术分析用语。又称为三分法,指将每个上升或下降的趋势分成三等份,并在关键水平上画出趋势线。其主要作用是判断趋势是否将···
Trigger Line
A moving-average line found in the moving average convergence divergence (MACD) theory, which is used to signal buy or sell points for a security. The trigger···
Thrusting Line
In technical analysis, the bearish or bullish thrusting line serves as a continuation indicator, adding evidence that a stock will continue its current price t···
Signal Line
A moving average plotted alongside a technical indicator and is used to create transaction signals. Buy signals are generally created when the indicator crosse···
Line Chart
A style of chart that is created by connecting a series of data points together with a line. This is the most basic type of chart used in finance and it is gen···